Walk With Jesus During Holy Week: Maundy Thursday Evening

You are in a room with good twelve friends. A wallet filled with money is missing. Someone in the room is the thief. How do you feel at that moment, wondering which person you can no longer trust? Are others in the room looking at you?
Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” depicts just that; consternation among the twelve disciples when Jesus announces that one of them would betray Him. Due to the medium the mural was painted on, environmental factors and intentional damage, the original painting is quite worn. But just envision yourself in that room, about now, early evening, two thousand years ago.
The meal would not have been at a banquet table; rather, sitting on the floor or on cushions. But da Vinci gets his point across, everyone is saying “Hmm, who is it? It’s not me!” When in fact, we all betray Jesus at times.
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