Your Daily EKG Printout

At some point in your life, you have probably had the health of your heart tested to help doctors detect potential cardiac problems. Electrocardiography is the process that records the heart’s electrical pattern of depolarizing and repolarizing during each heartbeat by placing electrodes on the patient’s limbs and chest. The record of this pattern is called an EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram) and it shows the series of waves that relate to the electrical impulses which occur during each beat of the heart.
Just over one year ago, I had one such “point in my life” moment requiring several EKGs which uncovered a heart irregularity, but also helped answer a previously unanswered question. If you would like to read that story, click here.
Life is often that way. In the course of a single day, we can see our emotions bounce all over the place. If we hooked our daily “emotion meter” up to an EKG machine, it would very likely show a similar wave pattern as the pattern of our heartbeat; a never-ending series up highs and lows, peaks and valleys. We tend to be “high” when times are good and “low” when things are not so good. This pattern can leave us exhausted, worn down, and stretched to the point of breaking.
While we tend to change minute by minute, God, in His three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes. You’ve probably heard the saying that the only constant is change. While that is true of us and all the things around us, the opposite is true of God – He is consistent; always good, always loving, always all-powerful.
Scripture is full of verses that tell us of God’s unchanging and unchangeable nature. Here are just a few: In Malachi 3:6, the Lord says this of himself – “I the LORD do not change.” We read these words in James 1:17 – “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” And Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

So, no matter what your EKG printout looks like, no matter how uncertain your life is, or how changing the world can be, you can always trust in God’s never-changing and never-ending love and faithfulness.
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