You Are a Masterpiece!

If you are not into art, do you think of “Venus de Milo,” one of the most famous Greek sculptures that dates back over 2100 years? In classical music, Handel’s “Messiah” along with many pieces by composers such as Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach, and Mozart are considered to be masterpieces. In literature, I think of Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey or Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville or Poe’s poem “The Raven.” Architectural masterpieces include the Taj Mahal, Sydney (Australia) Opera House, Rome’s Colosseum, St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, and Grand Palace in Bangkok. The list could go on and on, there is no shortage of magnificence for us to enjoy.
While everything I just mentioned are all well known, for something to be a masterpiece it doesn’t need worldwide or historical familiarity. A masterpiece is nothing more than an outstanding work of artistry, craftmanship or skill that is given much critical praise, usually considered someone’s greatest work or achievement, their magnum opus. You and I have created masterpieces of our own. Pause for a minute and think of what you’ve done or created that might be considered your greatest accomplishment. If you can’t think of anything, think some more!
Everything God created is good, from the vastness of the galaxies, to the grandeur of the oceans, all the way down to the tiniest little annoying bug. But you and I, every one of us, we are God’s greatest creation. We are made in His image (read Gen 1:27), which by itself makes us His masterpiece. Your beauty, your value, does not depend upon what you have done or not done, said or not said, what you’ve done for others, or even what has been done to you. Your beauty comes because of who created you and nothing can ever change that! The world, or even your own voice, might tell you otherwise, but just know that you are God’s greatest work or art, His highest masterpiece, and with you He is well pleased. In Ephesians 2:10, we read these words – “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (NLT).
[The Greek work used here for masterpiece is poiema, from which we get the word poem. You and I, we are God’s poem, His work or art, His magnum opus. We are created by God. We are an expression of His inner being.]

So, today, despite how you might feel, or what someone tells you, just know, and believe, that in God’s eyes you are stunning, you are magnificent, you are His masterpiece. Right now, will you thank God for creating you in His image and ask Him to help you see yourself, and live and breathe, in a way that reflects that masterful beauty to the world around you.