What’s On Your To-Do List?
Are you someone who tries to have a well-planned out day, you have To-Do lists, or do you just fly by the seat of your pants, improvising as the day goes on? Did you know that the phrase “fly by the seat of one’s pants” was first used to refer to piloting an airplane without the aid of instruments and without a flight plan, using only instinct, visual observation, and pilot judgment?
Let’s be honest, throughout the most days, the urgent and unexpected can, and often does, derail the best laid out plans. But unless you have a plan, a To-Do list, the important often (if not always) gets replaced by the urgent and unexpected.
So, today, I want to ask you a simple question. In the midst of walking out your day, is this one very important thing on your To-Do list every day? If not, it would be wise to add it to your daily rhythm. – “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (Psalm 105:4)