What Party Do You Go To?

Most of us like parties. Who doesn’t enjoy a good birthday party, graduation party, holiday party, costume party, neighborhood party, or a tailgate party!
Parties are supposed to be fun and joyous events, and most are. But many of us also go to another kind of party. When we feel burdened, sad, heavy hearted, frustrated, discouraged, dejected, or disappointed, we often go our own party. Let’s just call this party what it is, a pity party. We wonder “Why me?” or “Woe is me” and we spend excessive amounts of time and energy feeling sorry for ourselves and whining about how unfair life is. These kinds of parties never fix anything, they only tend to spiral us down even more. These kinds of parties tend to cause us to focus on the clouds and not the reality of the sun’s constant existence.
And the Bible seems to put a high value on singing too. There are over 175 references to “sing” or “singing” in all of scripture. I used the NIV to research the number, but other versions have similar numbers. In Psalms alone, there are close to 70 references. Let me give you four verses:
Psalm 13:6, I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.
Psalm 57:7, My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music
Psalm 96:1, Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Psalm 100:2, Serve the Lord with gladness; Come to him with joyful singing.
An elixir for pity parties can often be singing to God; the God who invites us to pray (Philippians 4:6); the God who hears our voice and listens to those prayers (Psalm 116:1), the God who offers us rest in the midst of our burdens (Matthew 11:28-30), the God who brings hope into hopelessness (Isaiah 40:31), the God who gives strength and provides peace (Psalm 29:11).
Have I mastered this “party” thing yet? Absolutely not, from time to time I still find myself wallowing in the mud of pity, but more and more I try to break out in song when I need a change of perspective. I encourage you to try this singing thing too. However, just be warned, people will look strangely upon you as you walk through the aisle at the grocery store singing your favorite song. In fact, you might even hear over the intercom, “Manager needed in Aisle 4.” But just keep singing, it becomes contagious!
So, when the sky is cloudy or your perspective is gloomy, jump out of the mud, shower off, grab your iPod or listen to your favorite music streaming service, and sing sing sing! Singing probably won’t change the situation, but it will surely change your outlook, it will help you see the sun behind the clouds!
Grammy Award winning jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald said this about singing, “The only thing better than singing is more singing.”
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