Warm Chocolate Sauce
Do you feel anxious today? Does it feel as if there is a gorilla sitting on your chest making it hard to breathe? Do you feel like you are being choked? Are there situations or circumstances in your life that are causing you to lie awake at night? Does whatever is burdening you lurk in the back of your mind all day long and no matter you do or say it has a grip on you? No matter how big or small your worries are, you do not have to live with panic and anxiety.
The English word anxious comes from the Latin word anxius which means troubled or distressed. The Latin word anxius actually is derived from another Latin word – angere – which means “to choke, squeeze, strangle, or to press tight.”
Today I simply want to say that in those moments when you feel as if life is pressing tight in on you, and you feel as if there is no relief in sight, you can rest assured that God is nearby, ready to exchange your anxiety for His peace.
If you are looking for a verse in scripture to draw upon in those moments when you feel anxious, try memorizing Psalm 94:19 – “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul (ESV).” The NIV puts it this way – When anxiety was great within me, your consolation (comfort) brought joy to my soul.”
You might be asking, why would God want me to dump my messes in His lap? The answer is quite simple; He loves you and cares for you. Don’t take my word for it, let’s turn to the Bible. 1 Peter 5:7 cuts right to the chase, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Turning to Jesus helps you get that gorilla off your chest that is making it hard to breathe. Turning to Jesus helps to remove that squeezed feeling you have when anxiety takes over your daily life (Matthew 11:28-30). And regardless of whether God calms the storm around you or calms you in the midst of the storm, He offers you a peace that passes all human understanding (Philippians 4:4-7).

So, right now, kick the gorilla to the curb, ask Jesus for an exchange, and then allow His peace to ooze all over you like warm chocolate sauce on ice cream!
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