Walk With Jesus During Holy Week: Introduction
We so often go through Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Day, reading the accounts of what took place 2,000 years ago simply from a historical perspective. We see the events through 21st-century glasses and the passion and intensity is often lost. However, I believe that for us to fully experience the passion of Holy Week, it is important to not simply read the narrative as a “history buff,” but instead, “participate in” all that Jesus did this week, thus allowing our heart to be renewed by the grace of the Holy Spirit. So, starting tomorrow, Palm Sunday, I am offering you sixteen vignettes to be read throughout the week. Some days there is only one vignette, to be read in the morning, while other days there is a midday and evening reading as well. Good Friday also has an exercise which includes watching a video. It is my prayer that you put on your sandals and walk with Jesus this Holy Week.
Weekly Schedule:
Palm Sunday Morning
Palm Sunday Evening
Holy Monday Morning
Holy Monday Evening
Holy Tuesday
Holy Wednesday
Maundy Thursday Morning
Maundy Thursday Midday
Maundy Thursday Evening
Good Friday Exercise and Video
Good Friday Early Morning
Good Friday Later Morning
Good Friday Afternoon
Holy Saturday Morning
Holy Saturday Evening
Easter Morning