There is a Knock on the Door

Growing up in the 1960s, in Columbus, Ohio, our neighborhood was “one big happy family.” People felt safe leaving their doors unlocked. Neighbors often just knocked and walked in. Everyone knew everyone’s name. Kids could ride bikes and play outside without worry of being abducted, often being out of sight of the adults. When it was time to come home, each family had a way to call their own kids. My parents called me and my brothers home with a whistle. A neighbor whistled three times to call their kids. It was a much safer time.

In college we often left our dorm room door unlocked. If we needed something in a friend’s room, we usually just knocked and walked in. If you wanted privacy, you locked your door. But if you locked your door, you could expect to be “pennied” or have isopropyl alcohol poured under your door and lit on fire. Thankfully due to its fast evaporation, the alcohol burned itself out quickly. But one time not before my treasured Farrah Fawcett poster was a victim of such a prank. What boy in the 70s didn’t have this poster on his wall? We felt safe without having to lock our doors. It was a much safer time.
These days, people lock everything, often having two or three deadbolts on their doors. Security systems, handguns, apps on our phones, and “Beware of the Dog” signs, are commonplace, all intended to protect us, our possessions, and keep out unwanted guests.
You hear a knock on the door and before you open the door you pull the curtain back just a tiny bit to see who is there. If it is one of those young men in a white long sleeve shirt and skinny black tie, you probably quickly turn off the lights and whisper to the kids to be quiet, hoping those knocking don’t know you are home. These days, people do not dare walk into someone’s house without first being invited in. We just don’t enter anyone’s space without them inviting us in.
Jesus is the same way. He only enters your heart if you invite Him in. He never knocks and then just barges in. He never kicks down the door and pushes His way in. In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, John writes seven letters to seven literal churches while exiled on the Greek island of Patmos. The Church at Laodicea saw themselves as rich, prosperous, and needing nothing (3:17). However, this is what John hears Jesus saying to that church, to those people – “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” (3:15-16).
While this warning is directed to the Church in Laodicea, it also warns us today that Jesus despises lukewarmness. In that day, room temperature water was viewed with suspicion. Cold water suggested a flowing spring or river, thus “safe.” Hot water had been boiled and cleaned of potential bacteria, thus also “safe.” I believe Jesus is warning those of us who are his followers that He is saddened by us just “going through the motions,” Maybe your once burning hot faith has all but burned itself out.
Do you know that the seven warnings to the seven churches are considered circular? The seven cities are in a circular trade route. And while each church receives a specific warning addressing relevant to its specific situation, the warnings are to the community of believers at large. And to us today.
What does Jesus say is the answer to turning lukewarm into red hot? A few verses later, still to the Church at Laodicea, Jesus says this – “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (3:20).

Notice in this painting which depicts Jesus knocking on an overgrown and long-unopened door that the door has no handle and, thus, can only be opened from the inside.
So, in these remaining days of Advent, will you open, or re-open, your heart to Him? The very One who can be your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Immanuel, God with us.
This will be my last writing until after Christmas. I wish you and your family a very joyous and merry Christmas!
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