The Truth Will Set You Free!
I once worked for a company where the owner changed the rules as often as the ocean tides. What was expected yesterday was often very different from what was required today. We needed a staff meeting every morning just to give that day’s marching orders. And as the manager charged with carrying out those marching orders I found that challenging, confusing, and exhausting.
We all know people who have said they did this or that in their past only to find out that either they have clouded memories or they simply did not tell the truth. I have done a lot of hiring and what some people put on, or left off, their resumes bears witness to that sad reality. Right now in this country, we are facing a crisis in truth and facts, one that is creating deep mistrust in both people and institutions. Sadly, for many, the answer to “How do you know if he or she is lying?” is simply “When their lips are moving.”
Not only are people’s words often false, at times, their actions do not align with what they speak. While in ministry school, the director of the school pounded into us the need to avoid compromising situations, yet about a decade later, he resigned due to sexual impropriety. Several years ago, a well-known pastor of one of America’s largest and best-known megachurches got caught up in a scandal, forcing him to retire early. While he spoke publicly of integrity, what he walked out appears to be full of inappropriate attitudes and behavior. Seemingly not a day goes by where we hear of someone who says one thing but does another.
I think you will agree that these days it has become very difficult to find and know real truth. Our culture says that everything is relative and what is true for one might not be true for someone else. And what is truth anyway?
Because there is so much deception in the world, it gets harder and harder to trust anyone. We need to know where we can go to find truth. We need to have a place to go to make sense of the world around us. That place is God; His character is trustworthy. God does what He says He will do, every single time! David prays a prayer of thanksgiving in which he praises God for being faithful and trustworthy. In 2 Samuel 7:21 we read this, “Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have brought about all this greatness, to make your servant know it.”
In Psalm 119:160 we read this, “All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”
And God desires to lead us in truth as well. Psalm 25:4-5 tells us, “Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior.”

So, today, in a culture filled with lies and deception, and competing views of what is true, ask God to reveal His truth to you by becoming grounded in Scripture, and as Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
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