The Rebel In Us
Are you a rebel, always rising in opposition to what is good, what is right, what are societal norms? Do you consider yourself rebellious? Could you have starred alongside James Dean, Sal Mineo, and Natalie Wood in the 1955 melodrama film, “Rebel Without a Cause”? Throughout life we all at times oppose or resist family, friends, authority, tradition, the establishment, and God, yes, even God.
In the 15th chapter of Luke, Jesus tells a parable of a rebellious son and his loving father’s response. This well-known story (vv. 11-32) is often called the Prodigal Son. The word prodigal can be defined as spending or using resources freely and recklessly. Think of the clothing and jewelry worn by celebs as they walk the red carpet.
The story begins by telling us that a man had two sons and the younger son asked his father for his portion of the father’s estate. By tradition the younger son would get one third upon the father’s death. For some reason the father acquiesced and gave this boy his portion. The story continues with this son going to a distant country and squandering his newfound wealth on wild living – maybe on sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. We are told he hit rock bottom and soon found himself feeding the pigs; something he never dreamed he could, or would, ever do. Not only was this an unfavorable occupation but according to Jewish law, pigs were “unclean” animals (see Leviticus 11:7). He spirals down to the point that he is also desiring to eat the pods of the carob tree; the very food that the pigs eat.
Have you ever found yourself in the pig pen?

At some point this young man came to his senses and decided to return home, humbled and broken, damaged and disgraced. When his father saw him in the distance, we read this – “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (v.20)” In the ancient period in which this story takes place, no well-respected man would be seen running in public. The story ends with the son admitting his rebellion and the father throwing a big party for his son.
Every one of us should be able to see ourselves somewhere in this story. If you don’t see yourself in the story, look again. We are told in Scripture that all have sinned and fallen short of what God desires of us (Romans 3:21-24). At some point, to one degree or another, we all rebel against God. We step outside of God’s good and perfect will and do things our way.
While prodigal certainly does mean wasteful, it also means extravagant, lavish, unrestrained use of resources. This parable is about our rebellion against God, but in my opinion, more so, it is about extravagance of our Father when we step back into His will. I believe in this story we see that God is prodigal – extravagant, lavish, unrestrained – in His love, in His patience, in His forgiveness, in His generosity, and in His grace and mercy.
So, today I ask – are you willing to repent and reverse your direction (Acts 3:19), either for the first time or even the umpteenth time, and return “home,” turning away from your rebellion and turning toward God? When you do so, God promises to be extravagant in all he offers you!
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