The Dimly Lit Street

Have you ever walked down a street late at night? The sky is dark, there is a chill in the air, you can see your breath, the street lights are dimly lit, the businesses are all closed, and every sound seems to be magnified. Raindrops begin to fall from the sky. You’ve walked this street many a night, but for some reason tonight you sense that danger lurks at every corner. You feel uneasy as you make your way down the sidewalk, constantly glancing over your shoulder to make sure no one is following you. You hear sirens in the distance and that just increases your anxiety. Was that gunfire I heard? That person looking out from that second floor window, are they checking you out?
Suddenly, someone steps out from between two buildings. It startles you, stopping you dead in your tracks. They nonchalantly glance you before heading in the other direction. You let out a big sigh of relief and your pace picks up, almost to a sprint. Soon you make it to your apartment building and quickly go inside, locking the door behind you before collapsing on the couch in exhaustion. Your nerves are shot, your heart is beating way too fast.
Life is often that same way. We find ourselves in situations that make us uneasy and uncomfortable. Sometimes the threat to us is real, while other times it is just perceived. Regardless of what you are going through, or imagining that you are going through, you can rest assured that God is with you. Sometimes He will help you escape harm’s way while other times He sustains you through whatever it is that threatens you, walking stride for stride alongside you.
In Psalm 138:7-8 we read these words – “When I am surrounded by troubles, you keep me safe. You oppose my angry enemies and save me by your power. You will do everything you have promised; Lord, your love is eternal. Complete the work that you have begun” (GNT).
In those two verses it sure seems clear that not only did the psalmist trust in God’s power and protection,but also has confidence in the plans and purposes of the Father, despite the worrisome and disquieting current conditions.
So, today, if the street you walk down is dimly lit and you find yourself uneasy about your surroundings, maybe even fearing the worst, allow yourself to be strengthened by the love and faithfulness of the One in whose image you were made (Gen 1:26-27) and who created you to be who you are (Ps 139:13-18).