Some Shortcuts Do Not Work
Think back to your childhood. You and a friend are walking home from the ice cream parlor and it is hot and humid, so you decide to take a shortcut through the neighbor’s shaded back yard. What sounded like a good idea turned out to not be so good when their big dog chased after you, almost biting your leg as you run for your life, and in the process, you dropped your ice cream, only to see that dog lick it.
Today many people put shortcuts of their computer’s desktop, which are nothing more than a quick and easy way to access frequently used programs, files, and folders.

In life we often look for shortcuts as a way to get something done in less time and with less effort. The marketplace is flooded with “guaranteed” ways to do things quicker, cheaper, and easier. A wise person does find ways to work smarter not harder, however sometimes shortcuts lead to less than desired results, while other times, shortcuts simply do not work.
The same can be said of your relationship with God. Shortcuts do not work. In order to have a meaningful and intimate relationship with the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) you need to pursue Him with every ounce of fiber within you. You cannot simply cut through someone’s backyard to make the journey easier. Psalm 42:1 puts it this way: “As the deer pants for water, so my soul pants for you, my God.”
Think of it this way… Someone holds your head under water for a period of time. Your lungs become emptied of oxygen and in those moments all your focus is on getting your head above water and taking another breath of fresh air. That is the same passion in which we are called to seek after God. And not knowing about God in the same way as you learned about George Washington in school, but rather, spending time with Him and in His Word, and in the process getting to really know God, allowing Him to change you, making you more like Him!
In Chapters 5-7 of the Gospel of Matthew we find what is known as the Sermon on the Mount; a collection of the teachings of Jesus. In one of those teachings, found in 7:13-14, Jesus talks about truly pursuing God and the ways of God. In Bibles that have chapter titles and subtitles this section is often titled, “The Narrow and Wide Gates.” Here is what we read, as taken from The Message:
“Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easy-going formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life – to God! – is vigorous and requires total attention.”
So, today, I ask, are you content to casually look for God or are you desperate for Him? Are you happy just to know a few things about Him or are you longing for real intimacy with Him? The way to God and an abundant life requires your full effort and attention. Shortcuts do not work.
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