Roses and Thorns
Life is a cycle of ups and downs. Some seasons we seem to have all the luck, all the good karma, and most everything comes up roses for us. There are other times when if it wasn’t for bad luck, we would have no luck at all. Not much goes our way and the beauty of the rose bush is hidden behind the thorns. If you are in the midst of a good season, celebrate it. Smell the roses. But know this, the reality of life is that good seasons are not permanent. A thorny season is on the horizon. On the flipside, if your current situation is anything but rosy, know too that this season is also not permanent. Better days are ahead.

Have you ever wondered why such a beautiful plant as the rose bush has ugly thorns. Technically speaking, rose bushes do not have thorns. Instead, they have prickles. Thorns are part of the plant’s leaves while prickles grow from the its branches. These prickles, thorns, serve to keep away predators attracted to the bright colors and pleasant fragrance. The prickles also act as hooks to help rose branches anchor onto nearby foliage, allowing them to climb towards the sunlight.
I believe that many of us have lost sight of one of the central truths that runs through the whole of the Bible and the whole of history – life is hard. Let me ask – where do you turn when the bottom drops out? When the rug gets pulled out from under your feet? When you cannot see the roses for the thorns? Isn’t it true that we turn to many people or things in those moments. Isn’t it also true that none of those people or things provide the permanent relief we so desire.
Instead of looking elsewhere, are you willing to give God that opportunity, the opportunity to sustain you in times of trouble. Here is what God’s Word had to say about His sustaining grace.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10, HCSB).
Do you see it? God’s four-pronged help –
1) I am with you.
2) I will strengthen you.
3) I will help you.
4) I will uphold you.
“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” (Psalm 34:18 NLT).
“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NLT).
Jesus was given the name Immanuel, which means “God with us.” At the end of His life, Jesus offers this straightforward promise to His followers – “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). He promises to see us through every aspect of our life; yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever.
Do you see it? God is not just in the vicinity. He is right with you, always ready to help in time of trouble! He is with you when the roses are in full bloom and when there seems to be more thorns than flowers.

So, are you willing to give God a chance? Can I just speak from experience – you will be glad you did! He is near to those who call on him (Psalm 145:18).
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