Have you ever been overcome? Overcome with joy? Overcome with guilt? Overcome with fear? Overcome is used in several different ways. It could mean, to succeed in dealing with a problem that that previously prevented you from achieving something. He finally overcame his fear of flying. Overcome might also mean overwhelmed. She was overcome by exhaustion. Both of those usages are in the transitive verb form, meaning they require a direct object. The intransitive verb form (no direct object), can mean to defeat (another in competition), prevail over, or the usage I want to look at today – to overpower, as with emotion; affect deeply.
Have you ever been in someone’s presence and been completely overcome? Maybe interchange overcome with overwhelmed. Simply being in their presence overpowered you, it affected you deeply, maybe to the point of effectively paralyzing you. You simply stood there, sat there, in awe, not able to do and say anything. I can say that I was overcome on my wedding day, my first glance at my soon-to-be-bride. Her stunning beauty absolutely captivated me. Can you think of a time in which you were completely overcome, overwhelmed?
Now let me ask you this – have you ever been overcome by the presence of the Lord? When Solomon dedicated the temple, the people celebrated, brought the ark of the covenant to the temple, offered sacrifices (too many to count), priests consecrated the people, and the singers adorned in the finest of linens made loud music. They praised and worshipped God. Then something surprising happened. The temple was filled with a cloud, and we read this – “The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple of God” (2 Chronicles 5:14). I encourage to the read this verse in its context. To do so, click here.
Moses, when encountering Yahweh at the burning bush, hid his face. Imagine yourself, going about your normal daily routine, when suddenly, God speaks to you. And not just speaks, but from bush. A bush that is on fire. A bush that is on fire but is not consumed in the fire. Like Moses, I would certainly be overcome, overwhelmed. How about you?
I believe in both cases I just mentioned, in the temple and at the burning bush, God’s presence was strong, it was extreme, his presence and his glory, completely overwhelming. And in both cases, God’s presence was so overwhelming, the people so overcome, that their activity stopped.
Have you ever been overwhelmed with the Glory, the presence, of God. So overwhelmed, so overcome, that at that moment your highest form of worship was to do nothing and simply soak in his presence? Are you hungry for more of the Holy Spirit, who ushers us into God’s presence? Are you longing to be overcome by the presence of God? You do not need to be in the temple or at a burning bush. You can experience the presence of the Lord right where you are, right now.
As you wrap up reading this writing, I now encourage you to find a quiet place, unplug for a few minutes, settle and center your soul. Invite more of the Spirit to come flood your space (Come, Holy Spirit), ask for the Lord’s presence, sit and wait. If you don’t feel anything this time, keep inviting, keep seeking, keep asking. Tomorrow. The day after that. And the day after that. God promises to be close to those who are close to Him (Psalm 145:18). If music speaks to you, click here.

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