One-Stop Shopping
How we shop has changed over the years. General Stores, carrying a broad selection of merchandise, were commonplace in the 18th and 19th century, most often because mobility was limited. While these general merchandise stores have pretty much disappeared, where I live, they do still actually exist.

By the early to mid-20th century, due primarily to urban sprawl and the ever-increasing ease of transportation, retailers began to specialize in specific types of merchandise, meaning you had to shop at many different stores to buy all the various items you needed.
You went to the grocery store for food and beverages. In my childhood, we had milk, eggs, and fresh bread delivered to our house by a milkman. The corner apothecary dispensed medications and carried personal hygiene items. The department store was the place to go for that new suit or dress. The hardware store had paint and items for what we today call DIY projects. The appliance store sold refrigerators. And, the toy store, well, let’s just say, it was my favorite place. We went there as a reward for when I was a good little boy or got good grades on my report card. However, my parents and I had a very different understanding of what “good” meant, so we did not go too often.
Those types of stores do still exist, but these days, with the growth of the big box retail stores, you can pretty much load up on all of life’s necessities and luxuries at one place. You can buy everything from groceries to underwear to new tires all under one roof. While you shop you quite possibly can have a mechanic at that store put a new set of tires on your car. And if you are hungry or thirsty, never fear, there is probably a food and beverage kiosk nearby. Before heading home, you stop outside and fill up the car with gas, maybe even catching up on the latest news via the television screen on the gas pump. Those retailers that used to specialize in a few types of products and services have been forced to expand their offerings, just to stay in business.
Editorial commentary – I encourage you, whenever possible, to shop and eat local, supporting those small businesses in your community.
Not only have brick and mortar retailers changed how we shop, now with the explosion of the Internet, we don’t even need to get up off the couch to purchase goods and services any longer. Pretty much these days, you can find most everything you need (or want) via e-commerce: online shopping Not only can you shop online, but with subscriptions such as Amazon Prime, what you buy today can often show up on your doorstep as early as tomorrow. The Internet has made “one-stop” shopping as easy as a click here and a click there.
We also have a God who is a “one-stop” shop; a place to go for all that we need. And just to be clear, “need” is different than “want.” In Genesis 3:21 we read, “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and His wife and clothed them.” God has been providing for His people since the very beginning of time and He promises to meet your needs today.
The well-known 23rd Psalm begins like this, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want” (translated: I will not be in need).
And we are told in Psalm 34:9-10, “Fear the LORD, you holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.” Fear in this context means a healthy respect and reverence.
So, do you trust God to supply all your needs? Or do you sometimes run from “store to store” trying to locate what you can’t seem to find?
Dear Father, grant us all the gift of ever-increasing faith so that we can trust You, and always look to You, for all our needs. Thank you for being our one-stop shop and for holding no good thing back from us. Amen
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