Never Be Without a Guide
You and some college friends have taken a trip to the West Coast and find yourselves in awe of the beauty of the snow-capped mountains. The group is feeling a little spontaneous so for a little excitement you decide to hike up one of those mountains. Living by the adage “go big or go home” you decide to hike up Mount Whitney, the tallest summit in the contiguous United States. This mountain peak is part of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and is located in the Sequoia National Park in California with an elevation of 14,505 feet. As tall as this mountain is, it is only the 12th highest peak in the United States. There are 11 higher mountain peaks located just in the State of Alaska; Denali with a summit elevation of 20,310 being the highest.

After much research you determine that the best way to get to the top is by using the Mount Whitney Trail. Thankfully you can drive your car more than half the elevation to the trailhead, located at Whitney Portal. It is here you stock up on food, water, and other necessities, putting them into bear-proof canisters. And before heading up the mountain, you grab a bite to eat at the restaurant. The trailhead begins at an elevation of almost 8,400 feet elevation and almost immediately you begin to experience what is called high-altitude periodic breathing.
[Did you know that air contains 21% oxygen at all altitudes but lower air pressure makes it feel like a lower percentage of oxygen, thus breathing becomes more difficult at higher elevations.]
Even with a guide, you estimate it will take at least ten hours up to hike up the 11-mile trail. Just imagine yourself hiking up and down this trail. Your body aches, your mouth is dry, breathing is labored, possibly you have a headache or feel nauseous. It is likely your body is screaming at you, and once your mind and body hit that proverbial “brick wall,” you begin to wonder if the trail ahead is just too difficult to finish the climb.
Okay, so not many of us have the desire to hike up a mountain. But we do find ourselves in real life situations that are often just as challenging as hiking up the side of a mountain. When you think the road ahead is too steep and too difficult to climb, and you are worn down and seemingly out of options, you can trust God to lead you and guide you. These next words are part of a prayer that the prophet Jeremiah prayed when he had doubts and fears when facing a difficult decision. In Jeremiah 32:17 we read these reassuring words – “Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth (see Gen 2:1) by your great power and outstretched arm (see Jer 27:5). Nothing is too hard for you (see Gen 18:14).”
So no matter how difficult the decision is you that you face, or how steep and rugged the trail ahead looks, you can rest assured that God is with you. He promises to carry your burdens (Ps 68:19) by taking that heavy backpack off your back and He promises to give you rest (Mt 11:28-30) like the water stations that are on the trail up the mountain.
Wise people do not hike up a mountain without a guide to assist them and you should not hike through life without a Guide either! Where do you turn for guidance?