Let’s Go Build a Bridge!
We live in a country greatly divided. We seem to not agree with one another on anything. In fact, these days we do not even agree to disagree. We name call. We belittle. We demean. We build ourselves up by tearing others down.
We are just days away from what will likely be a very contentious election. The idea of a free and fair election is already being called into question. Some candidates have made it known that they will contest the results, even before the ballots are counted and finalized. My suspicion is that those candidates only intend to question the idea of a free and fair election if do not win. I am all for recounts if recounts are warranted. But to be questioning the validity of an election before the votes are counted seems ludicrous to me. Just my opinion.
Now allow me to share a thought. What if in this volatile and polarized divide in which we find ourselves, we, every one of us, strived to build a bridge to the “other side.” The “other side” being those people or groups of people who do not look, act, or believe the way we look, act, and believe. In its simplest terms, what is a bridge? It is nothing more than a structure built over a divide that allows people to cross from one side to the other, in both directions.

What if we strived for unity with one another. You say, “No, no, no, I will never think or act or believe like them!” That is not what I am asking for. The idea of “No, no, no, I will never think or act or believe like them” is not unity. That is uniformity. God did not create mankind to be uniform. He did not make us all the same. We are all unique (Psalm 139:13-14). But He does ask us to be unified (1 Peter 3:8).
Uniformity is the state of being uniform in views, beliefs, standards, etc. In uniformity there is no allowance or tolerance for differences. I do not think uniformity is possible nor do I advocate for it. Uniformity seeks to eliminate any and all differences, desiring to create sameness. I do not know about you, but sameness sounds boring to me.
Unity, on the other hand, is the harmony between different groups; the ability to coexist peacefully and respectfully. Unity treats others with respect, tolerating differences. And tolerating is different from understanding.
Unity is messy. It takes work. The apostle Paul penned these words, found in Ephesians 4:3 – “Make every effort to keep unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” King David wrote this – “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). In his parting words to his disciples, and I believe to us today, Jesus prayed for his followers to be “brought to complete unity” (John 17:20-23).
In context, all the “unity” verses I have referenced in this writing are given to those of us who are Jesus-followers; the Church universal. But, folks, I see no reason why striving to be or become unified cannot be a Humanity universal narrative. It will take work. It will require give and take. It will require acceptance. It will require humility. It will require tolerance over understanding. It will require quieting our voice and listening.
Borrowing from John Lennon, I offer us this thought – “Imagine all the people living life in peace. You, you may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join us. And the world will be as one” (“Imagine”). There are some very troublesome lyrics in that song, but the call to be as one (unity) is loud and clear.
So, what if, and this is my challenge to all of us, in this great divide in which we live, each one of us takes a step to build a bridge to the “other side.” What if we strive to turn greatly divided into not greatly united!
Let’s be known as a country, a very diverse group of people, who value unity (oneness) over uniformity (conformity)! Just imagine what that will look like! Let’s go build a bridge!

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