How to Storm-Proof Your Life

As tropical storm Elsa makes her way up the east coast, many people heeded the storm warnings and are prepared, while others, even knowing the storm was coming, well, they will be not so prepared. When we lived in eastern North Carolina and tropical storms were bearing down on us, we began the process of storm-proofing our home and property. We would bring everything that was outside into our garage; stock up with food, water, batteries, blankets, and other items to help us and our cats survive the pending storm; put all of our important documents into zippered plastic bags; plan an emergency evaluation route; and make sure our weather radio was tuned to the local NOAA station. Those living closest to the coast often also put storm shutters over our windows as protection from the intense winds and flying debris.
If you are a follower of Jesus, you probably made an assumption that when you committed your life to Him, your life would somehow become storm-free. You assumed that all your problems and struggles would be a thing of the past. I know I did. Jesus is the good shepherd and are His sheep (read John 10) and therefore, in my false way of thinking, it seemed logical that wolves would never bother me again. I envisioned never getting caught in a storm again.
However, Jesus tells us a very different story. In John 16:33 we read these words of Jesus – “I tell you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” What this tells us today is that wolves will threaten our safety and storms will drench us, but He is bigger than the biggest baddest wolf and most threatening storm you face. During your storms, Jesus is always with you. Sometimes Jesus calms the storms around you while other times He calms you during the storm.
Even when we are doing His work, storms sometimes come. In Matthew 14, after Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two little fish He knew that the disciples (who delivered the food to the big crowd) needed some rest so He instructed them to get into a boat and go to the other side of the lake. They obeyed and in the middle of the lake they got caught in a storm with high wind and waves (22-36). They were doing exactly as Jesus asked, and still a storm came upon them. What’s up with that? [In a similar story, Jesus calmed the storm – Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41.]
Jesus can use every storm in your life to grow your faith. He might be training you, correcting you, equipping you, or maybe even re-directing your path. In and through the storms, He is wanting to make you (and me) more like Him. There is power in the storm.

So, amid the storms of life, both the passing showers and Category 5 hurricanes, do not lose hope, but rather, press in closer to God, seeking His purposes. Faith in Jesus does not give you a storm-free life, but it does storm-proof your life! Have you put your trust in Jesus yet? If not, how about doing so today!