How Do You Walk Out Your Day?
Are you someone who tries to have a well-planned out day? You have To-Do lists and your calendar is highlighted in all sorts of colors, representing the various tasks of the day. Or do you just wing it, fly by the seat of your pants, improvising as you go?
“Winging it” is a theatrical phrase referring to actors who “wing” their lines by receiving prompts from someone standing in the wings (the hidden areas to left and right of the stage). And did also you know that the phrase “fly by the seat of one’s pants” was first used to refer to piloting an airplane without the aid of instruments and without a flight plan, using only instinct, visual observation, and pilot judgment?
Let’s be honest, throughout the most days, the urgent and unexpected can, and often does, derail the best laid out plans. But unless you have a plan, a To-Do list, the important frequently gets replaced by the urgent and unexpected.
It is not only temporally (time/effort) wise to have a plan as we navigate through our day, and through life, but also scripturally (relating to our spirit and soul) wise as well. We find these words is Proverbs 21:5 – “The plans of the diligent surely lead to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” I see this verse telling us that those who are diligent and decisive create situations that are generally to their advantage.
Staying in Proverbs – “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house” (24:27). While this verse literally talks of restraint, getting our priorities right (necessities before comforts), I see it also telling us that proper planning, proper ordering, helps to not waste time and energy on unsuitable or unattainable things.
And to dig a little deeper, isn’t it also true that we sometimes ask God to bless our mess (our plans) rather than first seeking His ways, His plans? In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells his listeners to seek the kingdom of God first. And Solomon, the wisest man ever to live, said this – “Commit your work to the LORD and your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3).

So, today, I want to ask you a simple question. In the midst of walking out your day, is this one very important thing on your daily To-Do list? – “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (Psalm 105:4). If not, it would be wise to add it to your rhythm
Author’s Commentary – Whereby planning is future-oriented, a healthy desire to avoid surprises or mistakes, it is also healthy to allow ourselves to be spontaneous, those moments that occur without premeditation, those moments that are now-oriented. Being the planner that I am, each morning on vacation I ask my wife, “Where do you want to eat tonight?” Her response is the same every time, “Let’s see what we feel like tonight!” Hmm, you would think I might eventually get the message.
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