Flowing Freely in the Spirit
I am not very good at building or assembling things. I just don’t have that DNA. I need clear step-by-step instructions, and even then, it is sometimes still a challenge. In those moments I find myself frustrated and feeling not too good about my competence in following instructions and putting things together. Have you ever been there?
We tend to live life by that same method. We want rules, formulas, systems, and step-by-step instructions. We want a plan, a manual, something that tells us what to expect. We want two plus two to always equal four. However, we sometimes fail to follow the instructions that will give us our desired outcome. Think of the mess you would have if you ignored the directions when baking a cake. Builders use blueprints when building a house for a reason. Last year I had two atrial flutter ablations to treat my arrhythmia. Imagine what might have happened if when doing the procedure, the cardiologist had not used the proper surgical protocols, techniques, or instruments, instead had simply “went with the flow.”
Conversely, I do art therapy, and when I paint, I do “go with the flow,” simply allowing my brain to guide my brush strokes. Art therapy is a tool I use to allow my brain to interpret, express, and resolve its chaotic state. It is self-expression through artistic creation. For me, it is free flow and not following some step-by-step procedure. Art therapy is about the process and not the product and it is in and through the free flow of paint on the canvas that I find healing and peace.

In my opinion, religion is often nothing more than checking off boxes, following a prescribed plan, a system of beliefs and practices. It is works-based, sometimes creating do’s and don’ts not even found in scripture. While religion is about rules, faith, seeking and following Jesus, is about a relationship. It is about a Person and not a plan; it is grace-based. Following God is about freely allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct your steps, no matter how unpredictable or out of compliance with your well laid out step-by-step instructions it might seem. It may help to have plans, but when following God, you cannot hold onto those plans too tightly. Here is what we read in Proverbs 16:9 – “A person’s heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps.”
The fifth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians ends by contrasting works of the flesh with fruit of the Spirit. The second to last verse reads this way – “Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives” (v.25). To experience true Kingdom living, you cannot turn your faith into a formula. You need to be responsive to where the Spirit might be leading you. When Jesus called his first disciples, He did not give them a list of rules or step-by-step instructions of what to do beforehand, He simply said “Come, follow me.” (Mattew 4:19).
So today, will you commit, or re-commit, to allowing the Spirit to guide your path (Galatians 5:16; in context, vv.16-25)? Will you freely flow wherever His brush strokes lead you. Doing so will take you places that rules, formulas, systems, or step-by-step instructions never will!

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