Don’t Be Le Penseur

Don’t Be Le Penseur

Think back to the last time you needed to make a big decision. You most likely put a lot of thought into that decision. You might have made of list of pros and cons to see which column outweighed the other. Or maybe you did some research on the Internet. We never make “big” decisions without first sleeping on it, thus allowing us time to think through what we are deciding on. Or it could be you asked friends or family what their opinion was, hoping they would provide valuable insight. Sometimes we think and re-think and overthink to the point where we have so much information it becomes paralysis by analysis and it becomes difficult to even make any decision.

Regardless of what method you use to make important decisions, the reality is that for most of us, big decisions do not come easily, and they require us to logically think it through. French sculptor Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) depicts a nude male figure sitting on a rock, leaning forward, with his right hand supporting his chin, in a posture suggestive of contemplative thinking. Penseur is a noun that refers to someone who thinks deeply and constructively.    

On the flipside, faith in God requires us to simply trust Him, even when logic might say otherwise. Just let say, I know this one well! Hebrews 11:1 tells us: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” That runs so contrary to the way most of us make decisions. We want some proof, some evidence, before we finalize our decisions.

I am not saying that sound judgment does not ever have a role in faith. God created us with the ability to think and reason and expects us to use the gift He has given us. Staying in Hebrews 11, verse 19 begins this way: “Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead.” There will be times that we are called to act solely on faith because from our vantage point we do not see the whole picture, as was the case with Abraham. But based upon his life experiences, Abraham knew that God could be trusted. 

We are called to act in faith as Abraham did, and we do it from a place of trust based the knowledge we have of God’s character, based upon His promises found in scripture, and based upon experience of walking with God and seeing Him keep His promises 100% of the time.

So, today, as God calls you to His service, are you stepping out in faith, or do you find yourself with your chin resting in your hand, trying to logically think it through?

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