Don’t Be Fickle About God
We are a society that tends to cheer someone only for the good they do, not necessarily cheer them for who they are. We are also quick to show disapproval of that same person, often simply because they failed to do something good. Think of a football game. We cheer wildly when a receiver outleaps the defensive player in the endzone for a one-handed highlight reel touchdown catch, but later in that same game, when the football glances off that same receiver’s fingertips for what would have been the winning touchdown, we are quick to voice our displeasure. One minute we consider that receiver the best player on the team, minutes later we want him benched. We like (cheer) the player when he is “good” and we dislike (boo) him when he is “bad.” Admit it, we are fickle; changing our affections frequently.
We don’t cheer God because life is necessarily good or because our health or finances are good, or even because our current circumstances or the world around us are good. No, instead we offer our cheers to God simply because He is good. And because God is good, so too is God’s Son good. And because God is good, so too is God’s Spirit good.
The gospel writer John, who was a friend and cousin of Jesus, who saw Jesus hung on a Cross, who looked into an empty tomb, who saw a lifetime of struggle, who saw Paul and Peter persecuted and killed because of their faith, whom himself was persecuted and imprisoned for his own profession of faith, who saw a world filled with reasons to not believe Jesus had been who He said He was, who saw a world filled with division and hatred, said this in his old age… God is love (1 John 4:8). To read these words in context, vv.7-21.
And if God is love, if God is good, then Jesus must also be love, He must be also good.
How do we know? We know because Jesus tells us so. In the early part of His Farewell Discourse (John 14-17), Jesus said this in answering Thomas’s question of wanting to know how to get where Jesus was going- “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him” (John 14:6-7).
Philip, probably dazed and confused (like we often are), might have said “Say what?” In v.8 we read – Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”
Jesus then questioned Philip – “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip (v.9a)” Has Jesus ever asked you that question?
Now back to my original premise and question. If God is good, then Jesus must also be good. How do we know?
I am sure Jesus looked Philip right in the eyes when He gave him a very clear answer- “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (v9b).
Any further questions Philip?
Life and life’s circumstances change, but God and God’s love, unchanging! –“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of the Lord will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8).

So, today, make it enough to praise and worship (cheer) God, to fully trust Jesus, to be guided by His Spirit, not because they do “good” things for you, but rather, simply because they are good, they are love. Don’t be fickle about God!
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