Do You Have Dry Bones?
Do you feel dry? Has life drained you of your joy and your energy? Instead of hoping and dreaming, you find yourself in survival mode. There is no embarrassment in being dry, having dry bones. Life is hard; it can at times suck the life out of you. We’ve all been there. I know I have. Maybe you are there right now.
Let me ask- what do you do, where do you turn, when you need life breathed back into you?
We all have our ways. Some methods we use are healthy, sadly, others are not always healthy. Some methods help us for days, weeks, maybe even months, while others, they only last a few brief moments. And still others, they just don’t work at all.
The three persons of the Triune God (triune meaning three in one in unity) – Father, Son, Holy Spirit – work hand in hand in all things. They are the perfect trifecta to lead, guide, and direct you in all things. I like to think of the Father as the initiator, Jesus as the implementer, and the Holy Spirit as the energizer.
When Jesus was explaining to His disciples that He would be leaving them, He promised another Helper; the Holy Spirit (see John 14:16, 26). The Greek word for what has been translated in our modern Bibles as Helper, Counselor, Advocate is “Paraclete,” which means “called to one’s side, one’s aid.” (Think para-medic, someone who comes to your side to give emergency medical care.)
About now you might be wondering, where is this post going? The Spirit has many roles. I want to simply look at one here. One of His roles is to breathe life into you and into me. The Old Testament Hebrew word for God’s Spirit is “ruach” and in the New Testament (Greek) the word is “pneuma,” both meaning wind or breath.

In a vision to Ezekiel in which the prophet sees himself standing in a valley of dry bones, we find these words- Then he (Lord) said to me , “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath (ruach) enter you, and you will come to life’” (37:4-5).
Did it work? You be in judge. In v.10 we read- “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”
So, today, if you feel dry, if you have dry bones, ask the Holy Spirit to blow life into you. And ask again tomorrow, the next day, and every day after that!