Above All Else

We all, or at least most of us, got up this morning with some sort of idea as to what the best use of our time today will be. No matter what our season of life, we all have a plan for today. We know what we hope to get done today. Even on weekends or on vacation, we have a plan for the day. That plan might be stay in bed until noon while the snow piles up outside your window or sit under an umbrella all day on the beach with a good book, but nonetheless, it is a plan. So, let me ask – what is the best use of your time today?
I believe that the best use of your time today is seeking God’s presence. In his song of thanks found in 1 Chronicles, King David, among other things, says this – “Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (16:11). Jesus, in teaching on uncompromised trust in God and commitment to God and the things of God, gives his disciples (and us today) this important reminder – “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33). Jesus is saying that within such a framework of trust and commitment, to seek God first, all the necessary things of life will be provided to us. I encourage you to read the entire passage (6:25-34).
Elsewhere, we find this – “The lions may grow weak, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.” (Psalm 34:10). To keep that verse in its context, here are verses 8 and 9 – “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who seek the LORD lack nothing.” (Fear in this context is awe and reverence, not trembling in your boots).

Will you seek Him today, above all else? Above staying in bed on a snowy winter day or sitting quietly on the beach on a sunny summer day, above the presentation you have to give at work, above the assignment due at school, above the chemo treatments, above the romantic dinner you have planned for tonight, above those fifty yard line tickets you scored for this weekend’s NFL playoff game, above that job interview you’ve been looking forward to, above your spouse or kids. Above that which is good and above that which is not so good, above it all! And by above, I do not mean instead of, but rather, seek Him first and foremost, in the midst of all you will do and say today.
God cares for your every need, no matter how big or small, and in Him you lack nothing, nothing at all! Will you embrace that today?
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