A Better Way
We are seemingly always in search of a better way. A better way to lose weight or stay physically fit. A better way to stay looking young. A better way to gain wisdom. A better way to accumulate wealth. A better way to stream our favorite shows. The bad guys are always looking for a better way to scam you and me. A better way to do just about anything and everything.
I recently saw a newly released book in the bookstore that promised 99 new (implying better) ways to have intimacy with a loved one. Right next to it was also another new book on emerging mobile technology. In other words, ways to keep us more glued to our devices and from genuine social contact that might just increase intimacy.
There is nothing wrong with looking for new, and better, ways of doing things. That is one way society advances. But, so often, by better, we mean easier, faster. Less blood, sweat, and tears. We want gain but without the pain. We spent oodles of time and effort, and money, in search of the new and improved, and often in the process never find anything, old or new, because we are lost in the looking and looking.
It is much the same in our quest for intimacy with God. We want the benefits without the sacrifices. We want to give over parts of our lives to Him, but only certain parts. The parts we want to give over. However, God calls us to completely surrender to Him. The apostle Paul urges us to present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice (Romans 12:1). This is a call to completely surrender ourselves to the Lord. Surrendering our priorities, plans, reputation, aspirations, worldly identity, body, thoughts, and yes, even our burdens.
While this “fully surrender” proposition might sound like a tall order, and it is, one that is dreary, taking away all freedom. But, quite the opposite, there is true freedom and joy in the journey of surrendering. Psalm 16:11 tells us so – “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand the are pleasures forevermore.”
King David experienced in his own life that goodness is abundant when he lives under the authority of God (Psalm 31:19). That same promise extends to us today. David’s son, Solomon, noticed that his path became straight(er) when he was fully surrendered (Proverbs 3:5-6).
It is important to note that none of the verses I just referenced say life will be easier. In fact, in some ways, probably in many ways, a life fully surrendered to God is harder than a life not surrendered. But theses verses (and others) do promise that there is hope, joy, and peace in doing things God’s way. And while we might not like how some things turn out, He does promise that all things work together for good to those fully surrendered (Romans 8:28).
Today, whether you have never fully surrendered to God, or find yourself having taken back some or all of the reins, will you give yourself over right now to the rule and reign of God. That truly is a better way!

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