The True Source of Wisdom
Wisdom is a precious commodity. Everyone wants it. Not everyone has it. Knowledge and wisdom often get interchanged, but, in my opinion, they are very different. Knowledge is knowing that the stove burner is hot whereas wisdom is not putting your hand on that hot burner. Knowledge is simply “knowing,” information storage, gained through education, studying, reading, memorizing, etc. Wisdom, on the other hand, has to do with insight, using knowledge to make sound decisions.
Having wisdom is important for navigating the treacherous roads of life, and finding the proper source of that wisdom is of paramount importance. The Bible tells us that human wisdom is foolishness – “Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you thinks that he is wise in this age, he must become foolish, so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God” (1 Corinthians 3:18-19). And since God is the creator of all wisdom (Proverbs 8:22-31), it seems prudent (wise) to tap into his wisdom above all other sources.

How do we gain God’s wisdom? I believe it comes by the Holy Spirit helping us understand the ways and works of God. It comes by spending time with God and in His Word. It comes by prioritizing our walk with God; a walk that begins by putting our faith in Jesus Christ. I see God as the initiator, Jesus as the implementer, and the Spirt and the energizer of faith and everything that comes in and through that faith.
Proverbs 3 is a wonderful chapter that gives us the rewards (blessings) of seeking and having proper wisdom, the wisdom of God. We find this challenge and promise in vv.5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He with make your paths straight.”
To me, those verses say to not try figuring out life solely with human wisdom, but instead, tap into the true source of wisdom, and by doing so, you can find “true north,” which will greatly help in navigating life. Notice these verses do not say you can avoid all turbulence by having this wisdom. In fact, Jesus tells us that life is full of rough air (John 16:33). Nor do I think Solomon was saying to ignore wise counsel from others. God sometimes speaks to us through other people. The primary way God guides us in through his Word and he never guides contrary to what is found in His Word, so discernment (wisdom) is needed when hearing from others.
As I stated, Proverbs 3 lists a number of “godly wisdom” rewards. Here is just a sampling – healing for your body, refreshment to your bones (v.8), your barns will be filled with plenty, your vats overflowing with new wine (10), God’s wisdom is better than silver, fine gold, more precious than jewels (14-15), your foot will not stumble (23), your sleep will be sweet (24). I think you would be wise to read the entire chapter. To do so, click here.
Do you lack God’s wisdom? Do you need more of God’s wisdom? Right now, what decision are you about to make that requires a dose of God’s wisdom? Here is what we find in James 1:5 – “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” As I always do, I encourage you to read this verse in its context (James 1:1-8).
Are you looking to the true source of wisdom?
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