Standing on the Riverbank
Sometimes in life we have face situations that while challenging, we can do so without too much fear, much like walking through a shallow creek. Maybe your feet will get a little wet, but you aren’t worried about being swept away by the gently flowing waters.
However, other times, you stand on the riverbank and look out at a river that has overflowed its banks, one that is rapidly flowing and not easily crossable. You wonder how you will get to the other side without getting soaked, or worse, drowning. You break out in a cold sweat while rolling up your pant legs, staring out at the raging waters.

A story in the Old Testament paints a similar picture. Moses had been leading the Israelites, but he has died. Joshua has been chosen by God to now lead the people as they prepare to cross the mighty Jordan River and enter into the Promised Land. I am sure that Joshua was feeling overwhelmed and not up to the task. His knees were likely knocking and his palms sweaty. His heartbeat was rapid and sweat rolled off his face. In his fear, he probably wanted to crawl under a rock and not be faced with this daunting situation.
Are you, right now, faced with an unknown future; one that looks like a muddy mess, one that is deep and dangerous, one you wish you could avoid? Listen to what God said to Joshua thousands of years ago as he likely trembled in his sandals. In Joshua 1:9 we read, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
What God promised to Joshua in his moment of high anxiety, He also promises to you today. God promises to be with you as you stand on the banks of your Jordan River wondering how you will ever cross it. There is no guarantee that it will be easy. But there is great comfort in knowing that God will be with you every step of the way.
So, today, if you are standing on the riverbank, fearful of the rapidly moving waters, God says to you, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Right now, ask God to be with you as you cross your Jordan River!